Do we pay automatically, or do we have to make payments ourselves?

Not set up with Bills Included?

Important: If you’ve set up your services directly with suppliers (including through click-out links in the acasa app) and shared your payment details with them, then you’ll pay those suppliers directly (and can track them in acasa with these steps). This article only applies when you book and pay for a “Bills Included” option directly within the acasa app or website.

Bills Included Payments

With our Bills Included packages (in which you pay your bills through acasa), the acasa app will automatically collect payment from you (and other housemates) each month. You are able to proactively pay any part of the bill (eg. your own share, or extra to cover someone else) if you wish.

That tenant can add a recurring payment into acasa to reflect the charges they incur. Other housemates will then be able to see how much they owe.

If different tenants take responsibility for different bills each, the balances will cancel out to show what each tenant owes the others.

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