Easy bill sharing on your iOS device
House sharing, whether you’re a student, young professional or a couple, is a crucial time for learning how to manage your finances. Make this process as easy as possible with acasa, a free bill splitting app for iOS.
acasa is designed to make your life easier as housemates. Say goodbye to arguments over somebody not paying their fair share, the stress of managing household costs and the endless stream of messages back and forth over who owes what when it comes time to settle your utility bills. These are just some of the everyday inconveniences that come with house sharing that acasa remedies.

Know your outgoings
Our bill splitting app for iOS is equally suited to students as it is to young professional sharers and couples, and can save you both time and money on your household bills.
Manage your expenses fairly with our transparent and simple to use interface which displays upcoming bills, outstanding balances and payments that have been settled. Everyone is billed directly with acasa, so no individual is solely responsible for the financial burden of someone else’s share if they’re not able to pay right away.
acasa is the perfect solution for anyone looking to split costs fairly and more easily in a shared house.
get a free quote from acasa
acasa is designed for anyone sharing a house, from students to young professionals to couples.
With acasa, you can avoid unnecessary conflict around splitting utility bills with our direct billing and balance tracking systems.
Get a free quote for your property and enjoy a more stress-free approach to managing your shared house.